The FDA frequently shields corporate information, including what manufacturing facility a drug is produced in, for fear of jogging afoul of trade key laws. In 2011, the FDA mentioned it found 1,900 situations throughout an inspection of the Cetero Exploration facility in which lab experts that supposedly performed specified tests were not in the Of
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Yap?lan Savc?l?k soru?turmas?nda ve ceza yarg?lamas?na doktorlar, i? yo?unlu?u nedeniyle reçetenin MEDULA sistemine ba?kas? taraf?ndan girildi?i, bu reçeteyi kendisinin düzenleyip düzenlemedi?ini hat?rlamad??? ?eklinde genel ve soyut ifadeler vererek i?in içinden ç?kmaktad?r. Ve maalesef ayn? savunmay? kötü niyetli olan ki?iler de yaparak k